

Umur berapakah terlalu tua untuk memulai sebuah usaha ?

Mark Zuckerberg (Pemilik Facebook) memulai facebook saat berumur 19, tetapi tahukah anda bahwa Charles Flint memulai IBM saat dia sudah berumur 61.

Pada umumnya cerita tentang  anak yang masih dibangku kuliah memulai bisnis triliyun di dalam kamar kosnya memang menarik, tetapi masih banyak cerita menarik pengusaha yang menitis kariernya diusia yang sudah tidak belia.

Sebagai contohnya : Perancang busana menikah Vera Wang tidak memulai bisnisnya hingga dia berumur 39. Martha Stewart yang dijuluki Dewi Dekorasi Rumah baru memulai dekorasi rumah saat berumur 35. Dan yang sering dijuluki Malaikat Investasi dan Pemilik Bisnis incubator 500 Startups, Dave McClure memulai investasinya saat berumur 40.

Ketika memulai sebuah usaha, kekurangan sifat energetic untuk mereka yang memulai usaha pada umur tidak belia bisa diseimbangkan dengan kaya nya pengalaman yang dimiliki. Reid Hoffman memulai situs Network yang popular LinkedIn ketika dia berumur 36; Sam Walton memulai Wal-Mart ketika dia berumur 44; dan Joseph Campbell memulai Campbell Soup saat dia berumur 52.

Grafik informasi di bawah, marilah bersemangat dan berhenti menghitung umur saat kita ingin memulai sebuah usaha yang hebat ! 




As a movie and blog crawler as well as a life observer (hehe), I have collect a lot of quote and some of them is sincerely matched to me :D

1. If you good at sometime, never do it for free.

Kinda feel familiar ?
This is one of the golden quote from Dark Knight's Joker.

Reason :
As a some sort of bachelor degree holder that have been implicated with personal computer, there is long Q from outsider who seek for "free" help and assistance, starting from Printer, Cellphone, CPU, Troubleshooting installing PC game and Website Building. I believe not only me but my fellow S.Kom, more or less (unless you are the idiot who keep hid behind when there is group project) will getting nuisance problem from individual that DEMANDS HELP, repair this and that, update this and that, and the response from the GET HELP punk are "Hey this guy is an IT guy, a half sincere of thank you is good enuff" and day by day the demands for help is more and more and one day if you ever fail to fulfill the demands, you will get a critic such as "What are you doing during college ?"

"If you're good at something, never do it for free" - is a 100% fit for us isn't it ? I rather be a Joker than a Clown.

2. Penuhilah Hidup ini dengan Canda dan Tawa

When I was in college, I know a guy who is senior 12 years older than me but he is young, talk and think kinda resemble to (Personality and look) Jack Sparrow, this guy is fun to hang out, when he handed me his name card, the quote is printed there as his personal quote. Well, nobody get out of this life alive so let make it fun and merrier. Fill this life with laughter and companion (canda).

3. Real Men spend time with Family

I never watch The Godfather before but I surely have chance to read some article discuss about the mesmerizing quote and watchsome of the scene in this movie thru Youtube, I shorten the original quote as it was quite influence me, I meet a lot of guy who really "make" themselves spend less time with family, some try to shape themselves as a strong guy image that did not care much with the family companion, but if a men does not have the ability to spend time with his family, where is the merit point from him to conquer this global family ?

4. We are not going to compete by being better but by being different.

Another altered quote that I got from Jobs. as the global quick changing we can't getting success by being better because everybody is trying be better and some really got talent of these. The only way to beat down even half of the competitor is being different, where I'm the pioneer of these idea and the other, either follow or copy. Not too long from today, a jerk try to stalk all my e-commerce business promotion and marketing strategy and copy them. I felt fury  for the first minutes I detect it but feel at ease when some thought come by, He can copy my battle form but he never copy my battling essentials. 


Zeitgeist : My Life Mystical Story as Star of East, Sirius Star, Saviour.. ?



Numbers, Words, Ancient Stories, 3 interesting object that can create a timeline of a character and could be immortalized, mythical upon a mortal human.

I believe each of us in certain of our lifetime, we have some divine imagination (or maybe you never had it), in some minutes or even a day, we might felt we aren't just mortal, we might be a higher subject that reincarnate into this human body, we might be destined to be something great and to interpret into something that your family, friends and yourself could  be easily understand you might take your name, birth mark, birth date, some special event that occur or your name as a sign of great revelation from the universe upper authority.

Well, during writing this blog, I have a quick asking to two of my friends but I never knew does it only happen to me or they are to shy to admit that have such imagination in this topic.

I spent 15 - 20 minutes of my everyday to do research to my name, birth date, birth mark and anything related to make me seems divine (HAHAHA), the real intention to do the research is to support my upcoming short story that I find some courage to create again after a failure in 2010.

The most vital thing to make sure you success ed to create a mystical story of your self is ..... Internet connection !! yup you got to have a internet connection to read, understanding story from folklore, religion and ancient story is important to make your story look truth and convincing.

Let me make an example and as the best example I will use myself.

Coincidentally in lunar calender (asian calender or accepted as east calender) I was born in date 25rd and month 12, It just like Christmas 25 December of east calender. If you trace back to Sun God of Roman Empire it is exactly the God was born in 25 December. ( Point 1 )

and trace back to modern calender I was born in 12 February, Most of us recognize that 13 is an unlucky number, their is many various reason but the main reason is 12 mean complete and safe and if there is something more than 12 and now we spoke of 13 in mean out of safe. It is unsafe and dangerous. The reason 12 become an astrological lucky number was due several factor, that have coincidental occurrence with the following :

- 12 months in a year
- 12 number in a clock
- 12 Jesus Acolyte
- 12 Astrological Symbol and Chinese Zodiac
- 12 Israel Tribe
- 12 Jacobs' son

The factor of 12 is chosen can be reveal by our astronomical movement and occurrence which I didn't have enough resource to do further research yet. (Point 2)

Let move another step to 12 February, It was sign of Aquarius,  based of astrological age and depending to the method of calculation although it is widely believe that we are in Age of Aquarius,  every 2150 year we are moving toward a new age and it is believe we have finished the Age of Pieces and we are currently in Age of Aquarius.

Age of Aquarius represent humanity, reform, rebel, some astrologer believe the Age of Aquarius start during French Revolution and England Industry Revolution and follow by the Abraham Lincoln that was famous to ended slavery marked the new age of humanity and it is another coincidence that Abraham Lincoln was born in (12 Feb) (Point 3)

Let flip to bible Luke 22:10 ( I found this during I was 22 years old and it is on year 2010, I swear !) and thought it is an beautiful coincidental thought to be share. In Luke 22:10 it is written on Last Supper "9They said to Him, "Where do You want us to prepare it?" 10And He said to them, "When you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him into the house that he enters. 

It is written "that a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water", It is easily to be recognize as the symbol of Aquarius, "Follow him into the house that he enters" It some Roman Literary it is believe HOUSE can be interpret of AGE. To simply this we could say, follow the Aquarius into the new age.

I was 22 during year 2010 so It make it legal to link it up to divine momentum. (Point 4)

Star of East in ancient Egypt was believe to be the bright star that many Gods and Kings was born in that moment the star appear in the Great Sky, to identify the star, ancient astrologer seek the easily identified 3 star that we call 3 Wise King star or Orion that line up together and they will point to the brightest star and coincidentally I have birth mark that me resemble of the 3 star. (Point 5)

The concept to writing an character into some ancient or spiritual subject always can be very interesting as long the foundation of the stories and history can be mastered. Try yours and share with me, How your name, birth date/mark, can be seems to be divine.